VOLVO C30 2007-2013 fluids type and filling capacities

C30 2007-2013
Recommended engine oil, transmission fluids, coolant type, filling capacities and service intervals for VOLVO C30 2007-2013.
Aggregate Recommeded fluid Capacity (Liters) Intervals
1,6L gasoline engine (B4164S3)
5W30 (WSS-M2C913-B) or 0W30 ACEA A5/B5
4,0 12000 km (7500 miles)
1,8L and 2,0L gasoline engines (B4184S11 and B4184S8 and B4204S3 and B4204S4)
5W30 (WSS-M2C913-B) or 0W30 ACEA A5/B5
4,3 12000 km (7500 miles)
2,4L and 2,5L gasoline engines (B5244S4 and B5254T7 and B5244T8 and B5244T9)
0W30 ACEA A5/B5
5,5 - 6,0 12000 km (7500 miles)
1,6L diesel engines (D4164T and D4162T)
5W30 (WSS-M2C913-B) or 0W30 ACEA A5/B5
3,8 12000 km (7500 miles)
2,0L and 2,4L diesel engines (D5204T and D5244T9 and D5244T8)
0W30 ACEA A5/B5
5,9 12000 km (7500 miles)
2,0L diesel engine (D4204T)
5W30 (WSS-M2C913-B) or 0W30 ACEA A5/B5
5,5 12000 km (7500 miles)
Cooling system (1,6L gasoline)
Volvo original coolant/antifreeze
Cooling system (1,8L and 2,0L gasoline)
Volvo original coolant/antifreeze
6,5 - 7,5
Cooling system (2,4L and 2,5L gasoline)
Volvo original coolant/antifreeze
7,5 - 9,5
Cooling system (1,6L diesel and DRIVe)
Volvo original coolant/antifreeze
6,2 - 7,2
Cooling system (2,0L and 2,4L diesel)
Volvo original coolant/antifreeze
8,5 - 9,5
5-speed automatic transmission (Aisin AW55-51)
ATF JWS 3309
7,7 84000 km (52500 miles)
5-speed manual transmissions (IB5)
75W90 BO (WSD-M2C200-C) or BOT130M
5-speed manual transmissions (MTX-75)
Up to 2009MY - BOT130
From 2010MY - BOT350M3
5-speed manual transmissions (M56H)
6-speed manual transmissions (B6)
1,6 - 1,9
6-speed manual transmissions (M66)
Up to 2009MY - MTF97309
From 2010MY - BOT350M3
6-speed DCT (MPS6)
6-speed automatic transmission (Aisin TF-80SC)
7,0 84000 km (52500 miles)
Power steering hydraulic system
WSS M2C204-A2
Brake and Clutch hydraulic system
0,6 60000 km (37500 miles) or 2 years

Information in this table may be incorrect for your region or driving conditions. Refer to the owners/service manual for details.

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