TOYOTA Mirai JPD10 2015-2020 fluids type and filling capacities

Mirai JPD10 2015-2020
Recommended engine oil, transmission fluids, coolant type, filling capacities and service intervals for TOYOTA Mirai JPD10 2015-2020.
Aggregate Recommeded fluid Capacity (Liters) Intervals
Fuel cell stack cooling
Toyota Genuine FC Stack Coolant
Inverter cooling
Toyota Super Long Life Coolant
4,7 160000 km (100000 miles) or 120 months
1-speed transmission
Toyota ATF WS
DOT3 or DOT4
1,0 2 years
Fuel tank
Compressed hydrogen gas
122,4 (5 kg)

Information in this table may be incorrect for your region or driving conditions. Refer to the owners/service manual for details.

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